Navigating the New iOS 14.5 Advertising Restrictions

July 1, 2022
Tristan D.
Discover how RedTag combats iOS 14.5 tracking limits with innovative strategies like the Facebook Conversions API and domain verification. Keep your ad campaigns thriving despite changes.

iPhone users now see a prompt when accessing Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other apps.

So, what does this mean for your advertising? 

Fortunately, our RedTag digital ad tech teams have already implemented new strategies and upgrades to all ad campaigns to limit signal loss for all current and future RedTag clients. 

What's going on with iOS 14.5?

Starting on April 26, 2021, iOS 14.5 users began seeing prompts from apps asking for permission to track certain online behavior. Today, this new feature affects all iOS devices. If the user opts out, the app cannot track certain information, and the user will likely see less relevant advertising. On the contrary, users who opt in will see more relevant ads and enjoy a better overall ad experience.

Initially, over 75% of iOS users opted out of tracking on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, which impacts performance and reporting for app and web conversion events.

So, What is Allowed to be Tracked?

The key to all of this is what is allowed to be tracked and what is not. Let’s take Facebook as an example. If a user opts out of tracking, the Facebook ads platform will no longer have the ability to track that user’s activity on websites and apps OUTSIDE of the Facebook family of apps. For instance, if a user is browsing an online shoe store that has a Facebook pixel installed, that user’s activity will no longer be passed back to Facebook. However, everything this user does on Facebook is still being tracked. If that user clicks on a Facebook ad for an online shoe store, that information can still be used when optimizing ad delivery.

Furthermore, with the Facebook Conversions API properly installed, events like purchases can still be passed back to Facebook’s ad platform.

What campaigns are affected?

Top-of-Funnel Campaigns

Top-of-Funnel campaigns like reach campaigns and lower-funnel strategies like on-Facebook lead campaigns are not affected by these changes because optimization for these delivery types does not rely on data outside the Facebook family of apps.

E-Commerce Campaigns

E-Commerce campaigns, specifically those that rely on the Facebook pixel to optimize delivery for conversion events have seen the most impact. However, RedTag implements strategies to limit the risk that this change poses to your ads.

What is RedTag doing to prepare my campaigns for signal loss?

Here at RedTag, we have been working feverishly to limit what we call “signal loss.” The “signal,” in this case, is any data that we can utilize to deliver ads to a more targeted audience, in return, generating more conversions for you at a lower cost.

  1. Implementing the Facebook Conversions API

This allows you to share key web and offline events directly from your servers to the Facebook ads platform. RedTag implements this new best practice for all of our clients to continue generating more conversions for you at a lower cost.

  1. Verifying Domains

All businesses should verify their domain as a best practice. However, it’s important to prioritize verifying your domains if your domains integrate Facebook pixels that are owned by multiple businesses or personal ad accounts. RedTag takes all the stress off of you by verifying your domains whenever necessary.

  1. Operating with Fewer Conversion Events

Going forward, advertisers can only configure up to eight unique conversion events per website domain that can be used for campaign optimization. RedTag takes the guesswork out of prioritizing these new conversion events by creating them and prioritizing them on your behalf.

Do you have more questions? We're here to help! Reach out anytime!

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